Disorders Role in Glass Formation and Deformation 2020

- Rescheduled to 12-16 July 2021 -

15 - 19 June 2020

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.

This workshop has been rescheduled to 12 – 16 July 2021

The focus of the workshop will be the search for a quantitative description of the protocol dependence of glasses and non-equilibrium systems in general in terms of exclusively structural quantifiers of their degree of mechanical disorder.

    June 15

    How can structure-dynamics relations be established or refuted?

    09:3010:00 Arrival, registration
    10:0010:30 Introduction + workshop objectives review
    10:3011:00 Invited Talk (i)
    11:0011:30 Commentary session + discussion (i)
    11:3012:00 Contributed talk + Discussion
    12:0013:30 Lunch @Snellius restaurant
    13:3015:30 Parallel focus sessions:
    15:3016:00 Coffee and tea break
    16:0016:30 Focus sessions report
    16:3017:30 Soundbites for poster presenters
    17:3018:00 Daily conclusions + next focus sessions planning
    18:0020:00 Wine and cheese party

    June 16

    Bridging between experiments and simulations

    09:3010:00 Invited talk (i)
    10:0010:30 Coffee and tea break
    10:3011:00 Invited Talk (i)
    11:0011:30 Invited talk (ii)
    11:3012:00 Commentary session + discussion
    12:0013:30 Lunch @Snellius restaurant
    13:3015:30 Parallel focus sessions:
    15:3016:00 Coffee and tea break
    16:0016:30 Focus sessions report
    16:3017:00 Contributed talk + discussion
    17:0017:30 Contributed talk + discussion
    17:3018:00 Daily conclusions + next focus sessions planning

    June 17

    The role of disorder in the glass transition

    09:3010:00 Invited talk (i)
    10:0010:30 Commentary session + discussion (i)
    10:3011:00 Coffee and tea break
    11:0011:30 Invited talk (ii)
    11:3012:00 Commentary session + discussion
    12:0013:30 Lunch @Snellius restaurant
    13:3015:30 Parallel focus sessions:
    15:3016:00 Coffee and tea break
    16:0016:30 Focus sessions report
    16:3017:00 Contributed talk + discussion
    17:0017:30 Contributed talk + discussion
    17:3018:00 Daily conclusions + next focus sessions planning
    19:0023:00 Workshop dinner

    June 18

    The role of disorder in the yielding transition

    09:3010:00 Invited talk (i)
    10:0010:30 Commentary session + discussion (i)
    10:3011:00 Coffee and tea break
    11:0011:30 Invited talk (ii)
    11:3012:00 Commentary session + discussion
    12:0013:30 Lunch @Snellius restaurant
    13:3015:30 Parallel focus sessions:
    15:3016:00 Coffee and tea break
    16:0016:30 Focus sessions report
    16:3017:00 Contributed talk + discussion
    17:0017:30 Contributed talk + discussion
    17:3018:00 Daily conclusions + next focus sessions planning

    June 19

    Unifying framework for disorder quantification

    09:3010:30 Off-topic invited talk (i): Structure-dynamics relations in active matter.
    10:3011:00 Coffee and tea break
    11:0012:00 Off-topic invited talk (ii): Machine learning applied to structural analysis
    12:0013:30 Lunch @Snellius restaurant
    13:3014:00 Invited talk (I)
    14:0014:30 Commentary session + discussion (I)
    14:3015:30 Concluding plenary discussion
    Please login to view the participants information. You have received the log in details in your registration confirmation.

    Corrado Rainone, University of Amsterdam  

    Eran Bouchbinder, Weizmann Institute of Science  

    Beatrice Ruta, University of Lyon  

    Peter Schall, University of Amsterdam  

    Francesco Turci, University of Bristol  

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The Netherlands

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